



I first set out to do this with XSLT, then with PHP. Now i'll have to have a go at it with Indesign scripting (javascript probably)

My problem is that i have an indesign file without structure (nothing is tagged, but everything has a paragraph style)

Wat i have to do is 1) ad tags to paragraphs based on their styles 2) deepen the structure by adding parent-elements to the tags

An example:

This text:

Titel 1 (style = title1)
Titel 2 (style = title2)
    some text (style = text1)
    listitem 1 (style = listitem)
    listitem 2 (style = listitem)

Has to become (on export to XML)

<GR.SEQ level="1">
            Titel 1

    <GR.SEQ level="2">
                    Titel 2
            some text
                    listitem 1
                    listitem 2

Any help is appreciated! a code-example that does this would be marvelous but a push in the right direction is also very welcome.

I would be very pleased already when i could change this:

Titel 1

to this

            Titel 1