I'm currently working on project with Haskell, and have found myself some trouble. I'm supposed to read and insert into a list each line in a "dictionary.txt" file, but I can't seem to do so. I've got this code:
main = do
let list = []
loadNums "dictionary.txt" list
loadNums location list = do
inh <- openFile location ReadMode
mainloop inh list
hClose inh
mainloop inh list = do
ineof <- hIsEOF inh
if ineof
then return ()
else do
inpStr <- hGetLine inh
mainloop inh list
It is supposed to get every line (I know it does get every line, since replacing the "inpStr:list" with a "putStrLn inpStr" works correctly, displaying all lines), and insert it into a list but I get the following error:
Couldn't match expected type `IO' against inferred type `[]'
Probably because the hGetLine isn't a String, but a IO String, which I have no idea how to handle in order to obtain a proper string I can insert in my list. I have no idea how this could be solved, or what the problem is exactly, but if anyone has any idea of how to properly get every line in a file into a list, I'd appreciate it.
Thanks in advance!