Hi all,
I've a question regarding enforcing a business rule via a specification pattern. Consider the following example:
public class Parent
private ICollection<Child> children;
public ReadOnlyCollection Children { get; }
public void AddChild(Child child)
child.Parent = this;
public class Child
internal Parent Parent
public DateTime ValidFrom;
public DateTime ValidTo;
public Child()
The business rule should enforce that there cannot be a child in the collection which validity period intersects with another.
For that I would like to implement a specification that is then be used to throw an exception if an invalid child is added AND as well can be used to check whether the rule will be violated BEFORE adding the child.
public class ChildValiditySpecification
bool IsSatisfiedBy(Child child)
return child.Parent.Children.Where(<validityIntersectsCondition here>).Count > 0;
But in this example the child accesses the parent. And to me that doesnt seem that correct. That parent might not exist when the child has not been added to the parent yet. How would you implement it?