You can change the behaviour of how parent blocks deal with floated content by changing the overflow
property. This should do it:
#main_contentbox { overflow: hidden; }
You can change the behaviour of how parent blocks deal with floated content by changing the overflow
property. This should do it:
#main_contentbox { overflow: hidden; }
Try something with JavaScript maybe:
window.onload = FixMyDiv();
function FixMyDiv()
var divh = document.getElementById('main_contentbox').style.offsetHeight;
var imgh = document.getElementById('sample').style.offsetHeight;
if(divh < imgh + 50) document.getElementById('main_contentbox').style.height = imgh + 50;
Here's an interesting link with some common CSS Gotchas. Number 2 offers an alternative solution to the one given here (ie the clearfix mentioned by Gaby) and the rest are also great to know about and keep in mind.
Using an :after pseudoclass, you can have the named div automatically append a clear fix. Add this to your css file:
#main_contentbox:after {
content: "Foo";
visibility: hidden;
display: block;
height: 0px;
clear: both;
With that in place, you don't have to do anything to force the main_contentbox to grow to contain its floats, no matter what page you're on.