How can I search and replace a match with specific number of times using s///;
. For example:
I want to replace a
with i
in $string
n times. How can I do that? n is an integer provided by user.
How can I search and replace a match with specific number of times using s///;
. For example:
I want to replace a
with i
in $string
n times. How can I do that? n is an integer provided by user.
I'm not aware of any flag that would do that. I'd simply use a loop:
for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
$string =~ s/a/i/;
Just substitute $n times:
$string =~ s/a/i/ for 1..$n;
This will do it.
More general solution would be global substitution with counter:
my $i = 0; # count the substitutions made
$string =~ s/(a)/ ++$i > $n ? $1 : "i" /ge;
The simple answer probably doesn't do want you want.
my $str = 'aaaa';
$str =~ s/a/a_/ for 1..2;
print $str, "\n"; # a__aaa. But you want a_a_aa, right?
You need to count the replacements yourself, and act accordingly:
$str = 'aaaa';
my $n = 0;
$str =~ s/(a)/ ++$n > 2 ? $1 : 'a_' /ge;
print $str, "\n";
See the FAQ, How do I change the Nth occurrence of something? for related examples.
sub substitute_n {
my $n = shift;
my $pattern = shift;
my $replace = shift;
local $_ = shift;
my $i = 1;
s{($pattern)} {
$i++ <= $n ? eval qq{"$replace"} : $1;
You can then write
my $s = "***ab***c";
print "[", substitute_n(2, qr/\*/, '$1\n', $s), "]\n";
to get the following output:
[* * *ab***c]
Here is a way to do based on the comment you made to eugene y's answer
use strict; use warnings;
my $string = '***ab***c';
my $n = 3;
1 while $n -- and $string =~ s/\*([^\n])/*\n$1/;
print "$string\n";
* * * ab***c