



Does the following include statement present a security risk?

include "pages/".$_GET["page"].".php";

If yes:
- why?
- what would be a safer approach?

+3  A: 

Yes. For starters, you should never be using GET variables directly without some kind of validation, ever.

In addition, you shouldn't allow arbitrary specification of a path to include.

Instead, you should either restrict includes to paths within a certain directly (and check that the specified path refers to a file in that directory) if you absolutely require that much dynamic-ness, or you should instead pass tokens that refer to things you'd want to include (and then do something like a lookup into an associative array to see what file a given token refers to).

An example of the latter would be something like this:

$allowed_pages = array(
  "page1" => "pages/page1.php",
  "page2" => "pages/page2.php",
  "foobar" => "pages/page7.php",
  "stuff" => "pages/blarg.php"

$page = $_GET['page'];
if(array_key_exists($allowed_pages, $page)) {

(In this case, the fact that only specified keys are allowed acts as both validation and restriction on what may be included.)

More examples on how to exploit this kind of things here : the comments have a lot of things too.
+1  A: 

It is risk because in $_GET["page"] can be a path that you do not except - in example ../../settings.php on something else.

It should be done like:

$allowedPages = array('news', 'contact', ...);
if ( in_array($_GET["page"], $allowedPages) ) {
    include "pages/".$_GET["page"].".php";
} else {
    throw new Exception('Page is not valid !');

Good thing also is to check if file exists.

+1  A: 

You're essentially giving them the ability to execute ANY piece of PHP that exists on your system. That's a pretty big unknown.

Fundamentally this is risky because even if there is no "dangerous" code to point to now, there may be in the future.

They can read any file, because include in php doesn't have to contain php code. If there is no <? ?>, then php will just dump the contents of the file in there.
Definitely should have noted that as well!
+1  A: 

As well as having a white list, you could do something like this

$include = $_GET['page'];

if ( ! preg_match('/^[a-z-_]+$/i', $include)) {
    throw new Exception('Access denied');
+1  A: 

include "pages/".$_GET["page"].".php";

The fact that you've hard-coded a prefix prevents attacks like:


But because $_GET['page'] may include '..' then someone can force inclusion of any file with a php extension from your system. Are you confident that this will never result in a security compromise?

Using a whitelist as suggested by others is a lot safer, and also removes the requirement to prefix the path to avoid remote inclusion vulnerabilities.

