One method without using "The Secure External Password Store" (whatever that may be) is to add a RAW(16) column to the table to store a hashed username and password:
alter table mytable add password raw(16);
Then store the hashed username and password in it like this:
insert into mytable (username, password, ...)
values (:username, dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5
(input => utl_i18n.string_to_raw
Then when a user tries to log in with a username and password you can check them like this:
select 'OK'
from mytable
where username = :username
and password = dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5
(input => utl_i18n.string_to_raw
This way nobody can find out what the stored password is (other than by brute force).