



BASIC and its variants Visual Basic and VB.NET are the only programming languages I know of that treat the end of line character as a statement terminator (I'm excluding batch files and command scripts from the domain of programming languages). I'm curious: is there any other language that uses this convention, or does BASIC stand alone?


Javascript in most cases. Javascript has implied simicolons.

Most of the just for fun languages: Brainfuck, LOLcode, whitespace (not sure on this one), etc.
Assembly does also as someone already pointed out.

Most modern languages do not treat EOL as an EOS.

_"Most modern languages"_ -- not true. Python, Ruby and Haskell are all modern languages that treats end of line as statement separator. In fact, I'd say there is a trend for newer programming languages to do this.
I said most, not all.

Off the top of my head:

  • JavaScript's "automatic semicolon insertion" means it treats newlines as end-of-statement when certain rules apply.
  • Ruby treats newlines as statement terminators, unless there's an operator in front of it in which case it continues the statement on the next line.
T.J. Crowder
+2  A: 
  • FORTRAN - there's a continuation character if you need multiple lines
  • All assembly languages that I'm aware of
  • MS-DOS .BAT scripting language
+1 for assembly languages -- doh!
T.J. Crowder
+1  A: 

Here's a good breakdown of languages and their statement terminators. According to that page, these languages are newline terminated:

  • AutoHotkey
  • BASIC / Visual Basic / Visual Basic .NET
  • Fortran
  • Ruby
  • Python
  • AppleScript
  • Windows PowerShell
  • Boo
  • MATLAB (result displayed)
Ahmad Mageed

Several more not mentioned:

  • Tcl. Although it supports semicolons as statement separators the standard/preferred convention is to write code without semicolons.

  • Forth

  • Haskell

  • APL

update: Ah.. forgot. Almost all shell "languages" do this:

  • sh/bash

  • csh/tcsh

  • ksh

You are wrong about FORTH - a newline is just a token separator.