


m = Model.find(1);

m.class_name would give you "Model"

If we have:

m = Model.find(:all);

How do we get the name of the model from m alone?

+3  A: 

Get the class of the first entry in the returned array

This won't work quite correctly if you've got inheritence. Given, say, `Media < ActiveRecord::Base`, `Record < Media`, and `ComicBook < Media`, `Media.find(:all)` will return some things that are `Record`s and some that are `ComicBook`s.
James A. Rosen
+1  A: 

If you mean, how do you aggregate them all, since you are actually returning an array of Model objects, I recommend this:


This should give you an array of model names of the classes that you have returned from the database.

Derek P.
+1  A: 

If you are calling "Model", don't you already know the class?

If you call


the returned records will be of class Post.

Toby Hede
This is not always true. If you are dealing with an STI model, and you are querying the parent/base model, it can return subclasses of this that are known as different model names.
Derek P.