



I have an Excel-based UI that I'd like to replicate as closely as possible in a Rails view. I'm looking for a DHTML grid control that ...

  1. can be easily formatted (w.r.t. column width, font size, etc.)
  2. is responsive (the page will have up to 200 columns and 200 rows)
  3. can have cells containing select controls
  4. has good Rails integration (ideally, is available as a Rails plug-in with an idiomatic API)
  5. supports at least FF, IE, & Safari (potentially targeting iPhones ...)

Can anyone recommend (either for or against) a DHTML grid they've used in the past?

I'm happy to look at both commercial and free solutions. If you or your company sells such a thing, this is an excellent opportunity to plug it :-)


You may want to look at: Gridify - A Ruby wrapper and Rails plugin for jqGrid

Thanks - this definitely seems to be what I was looking for. I think I may still end up rolling my own but Gridify looks pretty promising.
Duncan Bayne