



ok, i've spent a good bit trying to figure out the best way to approach this ... and i'm kind of at a loss. google has NOT been much help.

the short version of what i need to do - via AS3 and PHP - is a user can come to this project and draw something. drawing's no problem, that's done. my issue is figuring out how to take that drawing data, converting it into something i can save to my database ... then reload said data and recreate it on the stage when the user "loads" it.

i guess i'm just searching for a way to take drawn data (just using typical as3 drawing methods) and breaking it down to a string, then bringing that string back in and recreating it. i'm not super versed in ByteArrays - which i suspect is where my answer lies.

user doesn't need to adjust any of this after it's loaded, fwiw. i'd just like to send this drawing data out - then bring it back in and place it back on the stage.

any ideas are greatly appreciated.


If you're using Flash Player 10, you can use the new classes and methods in the new Drawing API:

GraphicsGradientFill GraphicsPath
GraphicsPathCommand GraphicsPathWinding GraphicsShaderFill

you can use them to store data for the user generated drawings, then use drawGraphicsData() method to 'restore' a drawing from a set of saved commands.

Here is a sample from the documentation:

    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.geom.*;

    public class DrawGraphicsDataExample extends Sprite {
    public function DrawGraphicsDataExample(){    
    // establish the fill properties
    var myFill:GraphicsGradientFill = new GraphicsGradientFill();
    myFill.colors = [0xEEFFEE, 0x0000FF];
    myFill.matrix = new Matrix();
    myFill.matrix.createGradientBox(100, 100, 0);

    // establish the stroke properties
    var myStroke:GraphicsStroke = new GraphicsStroke(2);
    myStroke.fill = new GraphicsSolidFill(0x000000);

    // establish the path properties
    var myPath:GraphicsPath = new GraphicsPath(new Vector.<int>(), new Vector.<Number>());
    myPath.commands.push(1,2,2,2,2);,10, 10,100, 100,100, 100,10, 10,10);

    // populate the IGraphicsData Vector array
    var myDrawing:Vector.<IGraphicsData> = new Vector.<IGraphicsData>();
    myDrawing.push(myFill, myStroke, myPath);

    // render the drawing 

Senocular has a long, but well explained article on the Flash 10 Drawing API.

HTH, George

George Profenza
wow, thanks for this george - this looks great! i'll toast a beer in your honor this evening. :)
thanks! sounds great! goodluck with your project :)
George Profenza
Ron's link to senocular's article is handy as well as I have no tips for the database part
George Profenza

For pre-flash10, if by "typical AS3 drawing methods" you mean operating on a flash.display.Graphics object with, for example, lineTo() and curveTo(), then you have to save the calls you do on the Graphics objects yourself along with the parameters.

See for the idea (unfortunately the project doesn't seem to be hosted, but you'll get the idea).

For completeness, it would be nice to subclass the Graphics class and reimplement all of its methods, where the reimpleneted methods do two things: 1) Save the method call (append to string maybe) 2) Call the original super method.