I have a WPF app, where one of the fields has a numeric input box for length of a phone call, called ActivityDuration.
Previously this has been saved as an Integer value that respresents minutes. However, the client now wishes to record meetings using the same table, but meetings can last for 4-5 hours so entering 240 minutes doesn't seem very user friendly.
I'm currently considering my options, whether to change ActivityDuration to a time value in SQL 2008 and try to use a time mask input box, or keep it as an integer and present the client with 2 numeric input boxes, one for hours and one for minutes and then do the calculation to save it in SQL Server 2008 as integer minutes.
I'm open to comments and suggestions. One further consideration is that I will need to be able to calculate total time based upon the ActivityDuration so the field DataType should allow it to be summed easy.