



There is an .fla file that has a sound wave in it's library. However I do not have this sound wave saved on my computer so I can not edit or open this sound in another application. I was wanting to know if its possible to extract this *.wav file from out of the fla library? I did some research and they said to goto export movie and export it as an *.wav file. However I tried this it exported the whole fla file as one big *.wav dud. I tried to play it and nothing happened which makes sense.

Is it possible to extract .wave files from a .fla library. if so, can someone elaborate more on how to go about doing so.


I don't think audio assets can be exported from the library directly.

But (assuming you can at least make it play) could you try using some audio capture software?

Richard Inglis

Since you have the fla file you should open it in flash then from the library you can click "Edit with" and open it in your favorite audio editor. From there you can save it of to your hard drive.

i tried that and it said the file does not exist. unable to launch in editor
+1  A: 

I tried to export was WAV, but couldn't find the option.

Don't know if it will help, because what I did is a bit long winded, but here goes:

  1. I imported a .WAV file into the library
  2. I've set it on the main timeline(as if you were to copy your wav file to new document and place it on the timeline) and set it to Stream
  3. I've made the stage size 1 X 1 pixels ( not sure if necessary though :))
  4. I've chosen File > Export Movie > QuickTime
  5. In the QuickTime settings I've ticked off Video and Prepare for Internet Streaming
  6. I've noticed the quicktime movie was the exact size as the wav file, not sure if it's a coincidence. I imported it into Soundbooth and Saved it as a wav with the settings it had ( 44100Hz, 16bit, Mono in my case)

HTH, George

George Profenza
That worked perfectly. What I did is copied the wav file from the old .fla library and pasted into a new blank fla and put it on the timeline. I think that is what you meant. either way. it didn't seem to long or difficult. I think that worked. Thanks!