



We are currently considering using Netbeans to develop a Jython application and I am in the process of evaluating Netbeans' features.

It appears that creating a Jython application is trivial in Netbeans once the Python and Jython modules are installed. Yet I couldn't find a feature which would let we wrap my Jython app as a JAR file with all its dependencies. Is this possible with Netbeans or with some other IDE or do I need to do this kind of packaging by hand?

+2  A: 

Have you tried jump


Features :

  • Distributing Jython applications into a single, independent JAR file.
  • Distributing Jython libraries into a single JAR file. [New in v0.9.5]
  • Distributing native Mac OS X application bundles, Windows .exe executables, WAR files for Python WSGI applications. [New in v0.9.5]
  • Distributing Java Only applications. [New in v0.9.6]
  • Creating build.xml file for ant. [New in v0.9.7]
  • Supporting Java source code and third-party JAR files.
  • Supporting Java Native Interface files for distributing JAR files. [New in v0.9.5]
  • Starting the created distribution from either Jython or Java code.
  • Including specified resource files in the final distribution. [New in v0.9.6]
  • Packaging only required Python packages into the final distribution automatically, which means you don't have to worry about using Python third-party libraries as long as they can be found in your sys.path.
  • Importing specified Python packages explicitly. [New in v0.9.5]
  • All Python modules included in the final distribution are compiled to $py.class files, which means your source code is not public.
  • Integrated easy use Jython factory. [New in v0.9.7]


There is also a info in the jython-wiki (not jump related)
