I'm trying to build a very simple site with that has a products section. I'd like to display a few views for each product, and the tools I've found so far are http://www.magictoolbox.com/ and Magneto, but both cost a bit. I'm not opposed to paying, if these are the best, but given how many lightbox clones there are, I can't believe there isn't something opensource and better. Has anybody used these tools, or found better alternatives?
I had been looking at this, but I'm more interested in the product switching than the product zooming... jqzoom seems to be just the zoom. Have I missed the other functionality?
2010-01-31 08:06:12
If you know ruby, I'd highly recommend Spree. It's basically an open-source, Rails based e-commerce app. Works well, active mailing list, and undergoing active development.
Damien Wilson
2010-01-31 08:06:04
I'm looking at Spree for a different project, but my current need is much smaller scale.
2010-01-31 08:20:59