Now I know that you can use OOP and MVC to organize, but that is just for PHP.
Let's say, I add a new window that pops up when a user clicks on a link and it displays a form with JS validations and it is CSS styled.
Here we got 4 codes: JS, CSS, PHP and HTML (with some PHP snippets).
How would you organize all these codes? Because when I got 50 windows codes are spreaded everywhere and for me to change behaviour of delete a window, I have to play detective. I crunch everytime I have to add a new window with JS, CSS and so on.
I have thought about the structure. wouldn't it be better if you got a separate "module" for each one of the window. E.g. a folder for each one of the window. In that map you place one CSS-, one JS-, one PHP-, and one HTML-file? Then you got a very nice structure that aren't messy and you dont mix all windows with each other in one big JS and CSS file.
What do you think? And I would appreciate suggestions of how to organize these 4 kind of codes.