




Essentially I have been trying to think of a PHP-based solution to do the following:

The player needs a link ie:


I could easily put the XSPF information in a PHP file and replace the artist name / song name with variables that retrieve the data from the database. The thing I can't wrap my head around is how I'm going to feed it to the player and make it a link if it needs to be .xspf format...

Any ideas other ideas?

I've only thought of making a txt file every time it to play a song... But then that brings the problem that if there's a lot of users using it there would be so much unnecessary writing to the hard drive.

The XSPF format is something like this: http://xspf.org/quickstart/

I hope I have explained this well, if there's anything else you would like me to explain please let me know.

In short, even disregarding the fact that I'm using a database is:

How could I get information from variables into the player if it needs a link to an .xspf file in order to work?


You can create an .xspf file with whatever format its done with, save it in a directory reachable by the webserver and use the link to that page to feed the player.

+2  A: 

If I understand you correctly, all you need to do is set the content type of the PHP file to be something else.

header("Content-type: application/xspf+xml");
// (this second header line may not be needed):
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="foo.xspf"'); 

echo $xspf_file_contents;

Then you can create the PHP file in whatever way you want. It won't (shouldn't) matter to the player that the extension is "php" instead of "xspf".


The thing is XSPF player only correctly parses files that have a certain format. If that format is in a text file with extension .xspf or it's a php file with extension .php does not matter.

What ultimately matters is whether the request to the server gives a response in a certain format.

Check out http://www.trbailey.net/xspf/ for an example.

Niels Bom
+1  A: 
  • Make a PHP script that outputs proper XSPF. Validate the output.
  • try pointing the player to the PHP script (http://yourdomain.com/xspf_player.swf?playlist_url=http://yourdomain.com/yourscript.php)
  • if this works, you're done
  • if it doesn't, capture the output to a file, rename to *.xspf and feed to the player again
  • if this time it works rename the PHP script to .xspf and force the server to interpret it as PHP:

(configuration for Apache - put it in the .htaccess file)

<FilesMatch "^myscript\.xspf$">
    SetHandler application/x-httpd-php5

Depending on your server, you may have to change x-httpd-php5 to x-httpd-php

This was a really good alternate answer, thanks!