I've a problem with saving changes to database, I'm using LINQ2SQL mapping. I've implemented M:M relation (User <= UserRole => Role) based on tutorial: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/linq/linqtutorial2.aspx#premain25
Everything works fine when I'm using one class which is inherits from DataContext and is responsible for all of my domain classes for example:
[Database] public class BookCatalog : DataContext { // Create static DataContext for removing M:M Join records private static DataContext contextForRemovedRecords = null;
public BookCatalog() : base("Data Source=KO2\\SQLSERVER;Initial Catalog=Katalog;Integrated Security=True") { }
public Table<User> Users;
public Table<Role> Roles;
public Table<UserRole> UserRoles;
public static void RemoveRecord<T>(T recordToRemove) where T : class
// Use the static contextForRemovedRecords
if (contextForRemovedRecords == null)
contextForRemovedRecords = new BookCatalog();
Table<T> tableData = contextForRemovedRecords.GetTable<T>();
var deleteRecord = tableData.SingleOrDefault(record => record == recordToRemove);
if (deleteRecord != null)
// NEW method (not part of LINQ to SQL) to cancel changes
public void CancelChanges()
if (contextForRemovedRecords != null)
contextForRemovedRecords = null;
// Override DataContext's SubmitChanges() to handle any removed records
public new void SubmitChanges()
if (contextForRemovedRecords != null)
Unfortunately for some reasons I need to keep separate repositories in my project. One of them example:
public class SqlRolesRepository : IRolesRepository {
private Table<Role> rolesTable;
public SqlRolesRepository(string connectionString)
rolesTable = (new DataContext(connectionString)).GetTable<Role>();
public IQueryable<Role> Roles
get { return rolesTable; }
public void SaveRole(Role role)
bool ins = false;
if (rolesTable.Any(m => m.RoleID == role.RoleID))
rolesTable.Context.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues, role);
try { rolesTable.InsertOnSubmit(role); ins = true; }
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
catch (SqlException ex)
if (ins) rolesTable.DeleteOnSubmit(role);
List<ErrorInfo> errors = new List<ErrorInfo>();
if (ex.Message.Contains("UNQ_RoleName"))
errors.Add(new ErrorInfo("RoleName", "Rola o takiej nazwie już istnieje", role));
if (errors.Any()) throw new RulesException(errors);
public void SaveChanges()
public void DeleteRole(Role role)
public void DeleteRole(string roleName)
rolesTable.DeleteOnSubmit(rolesTable.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == roleName));
public Role GetRoleByName(string name)
return rolesTable.Single(m => m.Name == name);
public string[] GetAllRoles(){
return (from rola in rolesTable
select rola.Name).ToArray();
The point is that when I'm tying to save changes:
foreach (string roleName in roleNames)
Role rola = _RolesRepository.GetRoleByName(roleName);
if (rola != null)
foreach (string userName in usernames)
User usr = _UsersRepository.GetUserByName(userName);
if (usr != null)
if (!rola.Users.Contains(usr))
Instead of saving an instance of association class (UserRole) LINQ is trying to save instance of class User once again, SqlExcepiton error appears (unique key on username column). In debugging mode I've noticed that User instances seems to be doubled somehow...
My LINQ classes are mapped like in tutorial (link listed above), sample project is available here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/linq/linqtutorial2/linqtutorial2_src.zip
Maybe somebody will have an idea how to use it with repository pattern (multiple repository). I'm reading MSDN article (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb425822.aspx) and it seems that calling SubmitChanges() from my SqlRolesRepository should update database properly, but it isn't...