



I am trying to get virtualenv[wrapper] to work on my windows machine through cygwin. The install is successful, together with easy_install, from these directions: The problem comes in when I use the mkvirtualenv [name_of_vir_env]. I get the following output:

Blockquote bash-3.1$ mkvirtualenv testenv
New python executable in testenv\Scripts\python.exe
Installing setuptools.................done.
bash: D:.virtualenvs/testenv/bin/postactivate: No such file or directory
chmod: getting attributes of D:\\.virtualenvs/testenv/bin/postactivate': No such file or directory<br> bash: D:\.virtualenvs/testenv/bin/predeactivate: No such file or directory<br> chmod: getting attributes ofD:\.virtualenvs/testenv/bin/predeactivate': No such file or directory
bash: D:.virtualenvs/testenv/bin/postdeactivate: No such file or directory
chmod: getting attributes of `D:\.virtualenvs/testenv/bin/postdeactivate': No such file or directory
ERROR: Environment 'D:.virtualenvs/testenv' does not contain an activate script.

Inside the testenv directory, there is no bin sub directory, rather only Lib and Scripts. Scripts contains activate.bat that is supposed to be used to activate this particular environment however if I try to run this out through bash I get an error:

Blockquote bash-3.1$ ./activate.bat
./activate.bat: line 1: @echo: command not found
./activate.bat: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token ('<br> ./activate.bat: line 4:if not defined PROMPT ('

I can exit bash and call activate.bat and this changes to the desired environment. But then not being in bash I cannot use the 'workon' command, or any other in virtualenvwrapper_bashrc.

How can I get the two to work together, that is, stay in bash so I can use the commands in virtualenvwrapper_bashrc?