



Hi there.

I am working on mobilesubstrate plugins on a JB iPhone. i have created a dylib in xcode for my iphone which builds fine for Device, but when i try to build it for Simulator, it gives me an error "_MSHOOKMESSAGE reference from: blah blah". I have placed all the headers in proper locations. I got libsubstrate from device but that is i think the problem. The libsubstrate from device is not gonna work for Simulator. So my question is how to create a libsubstrate for Simulator?

+1  A: 

If you simply need to use MSHookMessageEx (which superseded MSHookMessage), you can

#define MSHookMessageEx(class, selector, replacement, result) \
 (*(result) = method_setImplementation(class_getInstanceMethod((class), (selector)), (replacement)))

Of course, MSHookMessageEx in Mobile Substrate is more complex than this, but for testing purpose this is usually enough.

ohh thanks for the reply.Can you please help me in using this too? I mean how to use it if i m hooking to SBApplicationIcon?Currently i have this code`Class _$SBAppIcon = objc_getClass("SBApplicationIcon");`MSHookMessage(_$SBAppIcon,@selector(launch), (IMP) `i got this code from some forum, and trying to learn that.
@raziiq: Yes. But the 4th argument should be a pointer to an `IMP` to receive the original launch method.
oh yes , nil should be replaced by something like "__Original_Method", right?I am using the above mentioned code, but as i described in my question, i am getting that error of _MSHookMessage. So in order to use the method you just described, how can i change my code to the one you just described?
@raziiq: Yes, you should use `MSHookMessageEx`. (Don't insert this macro on the actual device though, as `libsubstrate` does provide the actual implementation.)

Thanks for the reply KennyTM. I have changed my code to his after your advice.

#define MSHookMessageEx(class, selector,replacement,result) \
(*(result) = method_setImplementation(class_getInstanceMethod((class), (selector)), (replacement)))

static IMP original_Launch;

static void __$AnotherCheck_AppIcon_Launch(SBApplicationIcon *_SBApplicationIcon) 
    UIAlertView* __launchView = [[UIAlertView alloc] init];
    __launchView.title = @"No way muchacho";
    __launchView.message = @"You can't touch dis!";
    [__launchView addButtonWithTitle:@"Dismiss"];
    [__launchView show];


extern "C" void AnotherCheckInitialize() 
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; 
    // Get the SBApplicationIcon class
    Class _$SBAppIcon = objc_getClass("SBApplicationIcon");

    MSHookMessageEx(_$SBAppIcon, @selector(launch), __$AnotherCheck_AppIcon_Launch, (IMP *) &original_Launch);

    [pool release];

But i m getting these 2 errors at MSHookMessageEx line

error: invalid conversion from 'void ()(SBApplicationIcon)' to 'objc_object* (*)(objc_object*, objc_selector*, ...)'

error: initializing argument 2 of 'objc_object* (* method_setImplementation(objc_method*, objc_object* (*)(objc_object*, objc_selector*, ...)))(objc_object*, objc_selector*, ...)'

Any advice on these please?

Seems like you're compiling in C++. Anyway, cast `__$AnotherCheck_AppIcon_Launch` into an `IMP` on that line.
no no, i am compiling in xcode, but still its giving me the errors
A: May be this can help you. Good luck.