Does Apple's Xcode development enviroment provide any tools for memory leak detection? I am especially interested in tools that apply to the iPhone SDK. (currently my favorite platfrom for hobby programming projects) Documentations/tutorials for said tools would be very helpful.
ObjectAlloc and MallocDebug should both be of help to you. If you installed the entire SDK, they will be found in Developer->Applications->Performance Tools.
Their names give you a pretty good clue as to their functions, OA, tracks the objects create and MA is a general memory leak tool.
I haven't tried them with iPhone development yet, but I have to believe that they would work there as well.
Assuming you have registered for ADC iPhone developer site, here the link to follow:Instruments User Guide
Try Apple's Instruments utility, found in /Developer/Applications/.
A commercial alternative is OmniObjectMeter.
You can run the tools within XCode over menu -> run -> start with performance tool -> ...
There is one specifically called 'Leaks' and like a previous poster said, the easiest way to run it is straight from Xcode: run -> Start with Performance Tool -> Leaks. It seems very good at detecting memory leaks, and was easy for a Non-C Head like me to figure out.
Clang is an awesome static code analyzer to find bugs in objective-c code:
When using rustyshelf's solution make sure you test on the iPhone and not on the simulator. Memory usage is dramatically different.
Made a sum up of the main memory leak tools: