




Can anyone point me in the direction of a class/package/code for creating a video file (format isn't really all that important, but probably .avi would be the simplest) from an array of AWT images? This is my first time working with video files so any advice or suggestions would also be greatly appreciated (eg. different file formats, ways to handle video, etc.)


Have a look at JMF. It is somewhat old, but I might be enough for what you are doing. There are some examples shipped with, including the creation if a video frame-by-frame.

Old, past it's prime, never really went anywhere, more video consumption-based, one foot in the grave and *a really bad suggestion.*
Stu Thompson
I wouldn't use JMF in a production environment either. However, the OP just wanted some hints how that could be achieved, so JMF is not wrong at all. Especially the shipped examples, that does exactly what he obviously want to do, could be a good and easy hint whether JMF is suitable for him or not.
I may be able to get the JPEG to Movie class to work, but it would be better if I could pass it a series of AWT Image files rather than having to save all the files to JPEG then convert. I'm trying to edit that class but really don't have enough experience to get it quickly. Oh well, that's how you learn...
+1  A: 

Or check out Xuggler which supports all the latest codecs and is LGPL (i.e. open-source & free).
