I run Apache 2 with WSGI (for a Django-app) on a Ubuntu box. I want to use Nagios for server monitoring, and for this purpose it seems I have to add PHP support to Apache.
When I installed Apache 2, I did this:
apt-get install apache2 apache2.2-common apache2-mpm-worker apache2-threaded-dev libapache2-mod-wsgi python-dev
Available modules for apache2 are these:
/etc/apache2/mods-available$ ls
actions.conf authn_default.load cache.load deflate.conf filter.load
mime.conf proxy_ftp.load suexec.load actions.load authn_file.load
cern_meta.load deflate.load headers.load mime.load proxy_http.load
unique_id.load alias.conf authnz_ldap.load cgi.load dir.conf
ident.load mime_magic.conf rewrite.load userdir.conf alias.load
authz_dbm.load cgid.conf dir.load imagemap.load mime_magic.load
setenvif.conf userdir.load asis.load authz_default.load cgid.load
disk_cache.conf include.load negotiation.conf setenvif.load usertrack.load
auth_basic.load authz_groupfile.load charset_lite.load disk_cache.load info.conf
negotiation.load speling.load version.load auth_digest.load authz_host.load
dav.load dump_io.load info.load proxy.conf ssl.conf
vhost_alias.load authn_alias.load authz_owner.load dav_fs.conf env.load
ldap.load proxy.load ssl.load wsgi.conf authn_anon.load
authz_user.load dav_fs.load expires.load log_forensic.load proxy_ajp.load
status.conf wsgi.load authn_dbd.load autoindex.conf dav_lock.load
ext_filter.load mem_cache.conf proxy_balancer.load status.load authn_dbm.load
autoindex.load dbd.load file_cache.load mem_cache.load proxy_connect.load
What is the best way for me to add PHP support to Apache 2 without breaking my current installation and configuration?