



Is there any way for detecting the paste event AND getting the pasted data? Let's say at least for MSIE and Gecko.

MSIE has clipboardData.getData() but I did not find something similar for Mozilla/Gecko.

I need this for cleaning text (removing all HTML) before it gets pasted into a rich text editor.

Cleaning it afterwards works quite well, but the problem is that not only the pasted text is being cleaned. So if you write one sentence and apply some allowed formatting to it, e.g. make a word bold, and then paste a text, everything gets cleaned again. I want it to only clean the text pasted right now.


First that comes to mind is the pastehandler of google's closure lib

this one seems to safely detect a paste event, but it seems not to be able to catch/return the pasted content?
@Alex: you're correct, and this also only works with textareas, not rich text editors.
Tim Down
+3  A: 

Not directly. IE has had the paste event since 5.5, Firefox since 3.0. Getting the clipboard data directly is generally impossible.

What you can do is quite involved and a bit of a hack that will work in Firefox 2+, IE 5.5+ and recent WebKit browsers such as Safari 4 or Chrome (untested on older versions). Recent versions of both TinyMCE and CKEditor use this technique:

  1. Detect a ctrl-v / shift-ins event using a keypress event handler
  2. In that handler, save the current user selection, add a textarea element off-screen (say at left -1000px) to the document, turn designMode off and call focus() on the textarea, thus moving the caret and effectively redirecting the paste
  3. Set a very brief timer (say 1 millisecond) in the event handler to call another function that stores the textarea value, removes the textarea from the document, turns designMode back on, restores the user selection and pastes the text in.

Note that this will only work for keyboard paste events and not pastes from the context or edit menus. By the time the paste event fires, it's too late to redirect the caret into the textarea (in some browsers, at least).

Note also that in Firefox 2 you'll need to place the textarea in the parent document rather than the WYSIWYG editor iframe's document.

Tim Down
Wow, thanks for that! Seems to be a very sophisticated hack though ;-) Could you please describe that designMode and selection thing a little more, especially in step 3? Thanks a lot!
I had a horrible feeling you'd ask that. As I say, it's quite involved: I'd suggest looking at the source of TinyMCE or CKEditor, since I haven't got the time to outline all the issues involved. Briefly though, `designMode` is a Boolean property of `document` and makes the whole page editable when `true`. WYSIWYG editors usually use an iframe with `designMode` on as the editable pane. Saving and restoring the user selection is done one way in IE and another in other browsers, as is pasting the content into the editor. You need to obtain a `TextRange` in IE and a `Range` in other browsers.
Tim Down
Thanks. I have already worked with TextRanges earlier, so this is not completely new to me. But as you mentioned, the best would be to study CKEditor (remember it as FCKeditor) and/or tinyMCE now.
Has anyone got this to work yet?
Mr Rogers
I have this working in my own niche editor project. CKEditor and TinyMCE both have this working in their current versions.
Tim Down