I want to launch default e-mail client application via ShellExecute function.
I.e. I write something like this:
ShellExecute(0, 'mailto:example@example.com?subject=example&body=example', ...);
How can I encode non-US characters in subject and body?
I can't use default ANSI code page, because characters can be anything: chinese characters, cyrillic or something else.
P.S. Notes:
- I'm using ShellExecuteW function.
- Leaving subject and body "as is" will not work (tested with Windows Live Mail client on Win7 and Outlook Express on WinXP).
- Encoding subject as URLEncode(UTF8Encode(Subject)) will work for Windows Live Mail, but won't work for Outlook Express.
- URLEncode(UTF8Encode(Body)) will not work for both clients.