




Let's say you have a config.php that holds sensitive information like a DB user password. It is not recommended to store that file in the document root, right?

Why is that so and is it a safer approach to store sensitive information in the index.php of the document root?

+3  A: 

It's not a safer approach to store configuration data in index.php than config.php; they are both equally prone to being displayed if PHP somehow fails to parse their contents. The advantage to using a separate file for configuration data is that you may limit access to it, effectively preventing anyone from reading it over the HTTP protocol and keeping your data safe(r) even if PHP isn't parsing it.

Johannes Gorset
If PHP isn't parsing, you can see the simple index.php with its include. But how can you see the contents of sensitive includes which aren't in the document root?
The original poster has edited his post. It originally enquired whether it was somehow safer to store configuration data in index.php over config.php, both being above the document root. It's not.
Johannes Gorset
+5  A: 

For me, the first scenario that comes to mind is a misconfiguration that lets users download or view .php files, rather than parse them and present them as text/html. Say you perform an upgrade, something goes wrong, and Apache is no longer parsing your scripts. Somebody notices that Apache is sending your PHP files as plain text, and is able to open config.php and see the source code (and all the sensitive database configuration parameters inside).

Adam Backstrom
+2  A: 

To take this idea just a little bit further. Ideally you wouldn't store much more than a simple script that accesses your codebase, and your static files like images and css in the web root.




And your index.php would look something like this:

$CODEBASE = '/usr/home/wwwuser/wherever/it/is';

include $CODEBASE."/lib/myclass1.php";

$code = new MyClass1();
