I build VBA applications for both Word and Excel, is there any way to access the progress bar that sometimes appears in the Office status bar.
5I have not accessed the progress bar, but I have in the past used something like this to place task status text in the status bar...
Sub StatusBarExample()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' turns off screen updating
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
' makes sure that the statusbar is visible
Application.StatusBar = "Please wait while performing task 1..."
' add some code for task 1 that replaces the next sentence
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
Application.StatusBar = "Please wait while performing task 2..."
' add some code for task 2 that replaces the next sentence
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
Application.StatusBar = False
' gives control of the statusbar back to the programme
End Sub
I would recommend in addition, to record the current state of the StatusBar, then restore it when everything is done.
Dim OldStatus
With Application
OldStatus = .DisplayStatusBar
.DisplayStatusBar = True
.StatusBar = "Doing my duty, please wait..."
End With
' Do what you do best here (you can refresh the .StatusBar message with updted, as needed)
With Application
.StatusBar = False
.DisplayStatusBar = OldStatus
End With
AFAIK, there is no way to reproduce the blue line of dots used by Word & Excel to show progress towards 100%, eg when opening a file.
I remember once seeing some code to replicate it in the status bar, but it was complex, and I wouldn't recommend it, when it is quite sufficient instead to say "X% complete" in the status bar, using Application.StatusBar.
This is number 7 on the following web page:
Not much explanation, but it includes a download file containing th required code.
The following will simulate a progress bar in Excel's status bar:
Public Sub UpdateStatusBar(percent As Double, Optional Message As String = "")
Const maxBars As Long = 20
Const before As String = "["
Const after As String = "]"
Dim bar As String
Dim notBar As String
Dim numBars As Long
bar = Chr(31)
notBar = Chr(151)
numBars = percent * maxBars
Application.StatusBar = _
before & Application.Rept(bar, numBars) & Application.Rept(notBar, maxBars - numBars) & after & " " & _
Message & " (" & PercentageToString(percent) & "%)"
End Sub