The @Any annotation defines a polymorphic association to classes from multiple tables. This type of mapping
always requires more than one column. The first column holds the type of the associated entity. The remaining
columns hold the identifier. It is impossible to specify a foreign key constraint for this kind of association, so
this is most certainly not meant as the usual way of mapping (polymorphic) associations. You should use this
only in very special cases (eg. audit logs, user session data, etc).
The @Any annotation describes the column holding the metadata information. To link the value of the
metadata information and an actual entity type, The @AnyDef and @AnyDefs annotations are used.
@Any( metaColumn = @Column( name = "property_type" ), fetch=FetchType.EAGER )
idType = "integer",
metaType = "string",
metaValues = {
@MetaValue( value = "S", targetEntity = StringProperty.class ),
@MetaValue( value = "I", targetEntity = IntegerProperty.class )
} )
@JoinColumn( name = "property_id" )
public Property getMainProperty() {
return mainProperty;
idType represents the target entities identifier property type and metaType the metadata type (usually String).
Note that @AnyDef can be mutualized and reused. It is recommended to place it as a package metadata in this
//on a package
@AnyMetaDef( name="property"
idType = "integer",
metaType = "string",
metaValues = {
@MetaValue( value = "S", targetEntity = StringProperty.class ),
@MetaValue( value = "I", targetEntity = IntegerProperty.class )
} )
package org.hibernate.test.annotations.any;
//in a class
@Any( metaDef="property", metaColumn = @Column( name = "property_type" ), fetch=FetchType.EAGER )
@JoinColumn( name = "property_id" )
public Property getMainProperty() {
return mainProperty;
@ManyToAny allows polymorphic associations to classes from multiple tables. This type of mapping always requires
more than one column. The first column holds the type of the associated entity. The remaining columns
hold the identifier. It is impossible to specify a foreign key constraint for this kind of association, so this is most
certainly not meant as the usual way of mapping (polymorphic) associations. You should use this only in very
special cases (eg. audit logs, user session data, etc).
metaColumn = @Column( name = "property_type" ) )
idType = "integer",
metaType = "string",
metaValues = {
@MetaValue( value = "S", targetEntity = StringProperty.class ),
@MetaValue( value = "I", targetEntity = IntegerProperty.class ) } )
@Cascade( { org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.ALL } )
@JoinTable( name = "obj_properties", joinColumns = @JoinColumn( name = "obj_id" ),
inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn( name = "property_id" ) )
public List<Property> getGeneralProperties() {
Src: Hibernate Annotations Reference Guide 3.4.0GA
Hope it Helps!