The easiest (most correct also, since you only care about month and year) thing to do is to break the model field into two fields: month and year. And store that instead.
So instead of having:
class Blah(models.Model):
your_date = models.DateField()
You would have:
class Blah(models.Model):
MONTH_CHOICES=((1,"January"), (2,"February"), ...)
your_year = models.IntegerField()
your_month = models.IntegerField(choices=MONTH_CHOICES)
And you can implement whatever logic you need to restrict future years or even future months (Year/Month combinations) in the clean()
Edit: I say most correct in parenthesis above because you really don't have a date to store. You would have to decide to store the first, or the last, or some arbitrary day of the month/year selected.
Second Edit: As far as javascript for picking a month of a year goes, there is this (see "Month-select calendar" example in that page). It is possible to add javascript to an admin page in Django and use that, but you would - as said in my previous edit - have to choose a day to deal with.