If you use regex, you are going to get lousy error reporting and things will get exponentially more complicated if your requirements change (For instance, if you have to parse the sets in different square brackets into different groups).
I recommend you just write the parser by hand, it's like 10 lines of code and shouldn't be very brittle. Track everything you are doing, open parens, close parens, open braces & close braces. It's like a switch statement with 5 options (and a default), really not that bad.
For a minimal approach, open parens and open braces can be ignored, so there are really only 3 cases.
This would be the bear minimum.
// Java-like psuedocode
int valuea;
String lastValue;
tokens=new StringTokenizer(String, "[](),", true);
for(String token : tokens) {
// The token Before the ) is the second int of the pair, and the first should
// already be stored
output.addResult(valuea, lastValue.toInt());
// The token before the comma is the first int of the pair
else if(token.equals(","))
// Just store off this token and deal with it when we hit the proper delim
This is no better than a minimal regex based solution EXCEPT that it will be MUCH easier to maintain and enhance. (add error checking, add a stack for paren & square brace matching and checking for misplaced commas and other invalid syntax)
As an example of expandability, if you were to have to place different sets of square-bracket delimited groups into different output sets, then the addition is something as simple as:
// When we close the square bracket, start a new output group.
else if(token.equals("]"))
And checking for parens is as easy as creating a stack of chars and pushing each [ or ( onto the stack, then when you get a ] or ), pop the stack and assert that it matches. Also, when you are done, make sure your stack.size() == 0.