can anyone please confirm if android development is not yet supported on windows 7 x64? i downloaded the sdk but when i tried to launch the sdk and avd manager it fails to launch
can anyone please confirm if android development is not yet supported on windows 7 x64? i downloaded the sdk but when i tried to launch the sdk and avd manager it fails to launch
It works for me on Windows 7 64 bit. I downloaded the sdk this morning, and the sdk manager launched without any issues. I had some issue with launching the avd initially, due to the avd getting created in a different folder, but that was easily resolved.
If you have moved your Users directory to a drive that is not called c:\ it will not work - a workaround is to copy the .android folder from E:\Users\Username.android to E:\Users\Username.android - then it should work. Also make sure you environmental variable 'Path' is set to the location of the tools folder - e.g. E:\android-sdk_r05-windows\android-sdk-windows\tools
This question is probably dead but I think I've figured it out.
Ensure you've added the c:\android_sdk_windows\tools dir to your %PATH% environmental variable.
In eclipse check Windows->Preferences->Android and ensure you've set the SDK location to the SDK directory above.
Manually create 2 directories under the SDK directory
The SDK and AVD manager should now be launchable.
Thanks the manual addition of the platfdorms and add-ons folders got it working for me.
Hi. I think you have your android-sdk folder in one of windows 7 system folders, e.g. Program Files (x86). Permissions there are tightly controlled by the system. You better create the android-sdk folder outside of those system directories --- yeysus ---