Geoff, I tried your code but it didn't work for me with the syntax you use. Could this be a version problem? I'm using exuberant ctags version 5.8.
I also modified the regex a bit because the quotes are optional and you might want to allow spaces (but nothing else) preceeding the 'has' keyword.
Here is what worked for me.
I created a $HOME/.ctags file (didn't have one yet, otherwise just add to it) with the following line:
Then added the line in .vimrc as you suggested
let tlist_perl_settings='perl;c:constant;l:label;p:package;s:subroutine;a:attribute'
Now it lists my attributes in Moose modules.
In addition, I find it useful to also have information about the parent class, roles and used modules show up in the taglist, so here is my complete $HOME/.ctags file:
--regex-perl=/^\s*use\s+([^ ;]+)/\1/u,use/
and this is what I have in .vimrc (you can change the order of tags in the taglist simply by changing the order in the tlist_par_settings):
let tlist_perl_settings='perl;u:use;p:package;r:role;e:extends;c:constant;a:attribute;s:subroutine;l:label'
let Tlist_Show_One_File = 1
Because of the additional content I find it useful to use the Tlist_Show_One_File option, which forces the taglist to show only the tags of the currently selected file.
To temporarily hide some of the tags you can always move the cursor to the tag name and hit "zc" (and "zo" to reopen) the fold.