
How can you have a Vim-like-Taglist in Emacs?

I use AquaEmacs. I would like to have Emacs which has a vertical hierarchy (at the left-hand-side) about items in the document, similar to Vim's plugin Taglist. ...

VIM: Bijection between VIM Taglist elements and code snippets?

My Taglist in a C code: macro || MIN_LEN || MAX_ITERATIONS ||- typedef || cell || source_cell ||- variable || len_given Taglist elements (domain): A = {MIN_LEN, MAX_ITERATIONS, cell, source_cell, len_given} Code snippets (codomain): B = {"code_MIN_LEN", "code_MAX_ITERATIONS", ..., "code_len_...

Unable to move upwards by t in Vim's Tlist when I use Dvorak

Problem: to move upwards in Vim's Taglist by "t" The movement keys DHTN work in Vim when I am not in TagList. I have the following in my .vimrc no h j no ...

Unable to eliminate T in Vim's Taglist

I have the following code in .vimrc " to eliminate the effect of the line 1560 in taglist.vim if v:version >= 700 nnoremap <buffer> <silent> t \ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-t> \ ...

How can I make vim's taglist plugin show useful information for javascript?

I've recently abandoned mouse-driven, platform-specific GUI editors and committed entirely to vim. The experience so far has been fantastic, but I'm stuck when it comes to Javascript. The ever-popular taglist utility (using Exuberant Ctags) has been great for everything but Javascript. With the language's overly-free form and structur...

vim's taglist plugin not recognizing filetype for .sqC files

Hi, I have been using ctags for a while. I recently downloaded taglist plugin for vim. its cool. But i am facing one problem. While building the ctags file, i used langmap option to intrepret my embededed SQL files ( .sqC file extension) to C++. But when i try to use the taglist it is not recognizing the filetype for these files and Tlis...

Is there a vim plugin that makes Moose attributes show up in Tag_List?

I am editing packages that use Moose, and I was wondering if there were a plugin for making Moose attributes show up in the Tag List. For example, in the following code, the attribute options does not show up in Tag_List, but print_out_site does: use Moose; use MooseX::AttributeHelpers; ... has 'options' => ( metaclass => 'Collec...

How to display variables in Taglist window in vim

I am using Taglist plugin in vim. In the taglist window i can see tags like namespaces, classes, struct, function but not variables. I saw a screenshot(attached below) on Taglist website which had this info. I am using Vim 7 and Exuberant Ctags 5.8, and i have generated my ctags using this command ctags --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --e...

Has anyone got the vim taglist plugin working with Scala?

I'm having trouble getting the taglist plugin working properly with Scala. I've installed the plugin and ctags and verified that it works properly with Java and C++. I then followed the instructions on this page (minus the Lift specific instructuions), but was nothing shows up in the taglist window when I open it while editing a Scala ...

How do I open Vim's Taglist plugin to the right side of the window?

I have NERDTree on the left side of my Vim's window (and the main files in the center). Every time I open Taglist (:TlistToggle), it is displayed in the left side together with NerdTree. I made a custom remapping for Taglist: nnoremap <F3> :TlistToggle<CR> How can I make Taglist open to the right side instead of the left side? ...

Vim Taglist Navigation

Hello: I am trying to configure taglist with vim. I ran :TlistAddFilesRecursive at the root of my java source. Say I have a class class Foo extends Bar { } I place my cursor is on Bar and I do Ctrl-] I get E433: No tags file E426: tag not found: Bar Press ENTER or type command to continue However, if I :TlistToggle and search fo...

Switching between Taglist and buffer in gvim

How do I can switch between Taglist bar and current buffer without mouse? ...

in gvim, how to disable scrollbar when taglist is shown?

i've set "set guioptions-=l", but whenever taglist is enabled the left hand scrollbar is still shown and cannot be disabled (right hand scrollbar toggles fine). also, vim wont maximize on start if taglist is enabled. if the above can't be fixed, are there any taglist altenatives. ...