I would like to turn a string with opening hours like this:
Into this:
[ {:period => "Monday-Friday", :hours => "10:00-18:00"}, {:period => "Saturday", :hours => "12:00-17:00"}, {:period => "Sunday", :hours => "12:00-15:00"} ]
I'm trying it with the String.scan() method but can't figure out the Regexp.
Also if you have any suggestions of how to do it in reverse the best way (i.e. when getting the opening hours from a form.)
Update - Thank you all found perfect solutions! Right now I'm using (thanks kejadlen):
str.scan(/([\w-]+)>([\d:-]+)-([\d:]+)/).map { |(p,o,c)| {:period => p, :opens => o, :closes => c} }
But now how about reversing it =) So given:
[ {:opens=>"10:00", :closes=>"18:00", :period=>"Monday-Friday"},
{:opens=>"12:00", :closes=>"17:00", :period=>"Saturday"},
{:opens=>"12:00", :closes=>"15:00", :period=>"Sunday"} ]
I want to merge it to: