



def rollback_savepoint(self):
        self.db.execute("rollback to savepoint pt;")
        print "roll back to save point failed"
        print "Roll back to save point. Done"

In above code snippet , It says "roll back to save point failed". What went wrong?

EDIT: I changed the code as shown below and getting error messages

self.db.execute("savepoint pt;")
print "Save point created"

self.cursor.execute("insert into STK values(33)")
self.db.execute("rollback to savepoint pt;")


Save point created
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "open_db.py", line 77, in <module>
  File "open_db.py", line 63, in save_point
    self.db.execute("rollback to savepoint pt;")
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such savepoint: pt
+1  A: 

Don't ever catch exceptions you aren't handling. Let it raise, so you can have useful error messages and tracebacks.


>>> c.execute('rollback to savepoint pt;')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such savepoint: pt

From the traceback I can know the error is that there's no pt savepoint. I can't know what's wrong with yours because you're hiding the very information that can help you most. Catching all errors and printing some "Failed" message is dumb - the traceback is much more useful and explains the problem better.

EDIT: Your code wasn't exactly a easy-to-run testcase, but by reading it I was able to write some code myself to reproduce the issue. I can't explain exactly what is going on yet, but I found a way to make it work - related to how sqlite3 module deals with transactions.

Here's my full, runnable example:

import sqlite3
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile as NF
import os

f = NF(suffix='.db', delete=False).name

db = sqlite3.connect(f)

    db.execute('CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, data VARCHAR)')
    db.isolation_level = None

    db.execute('INSERT INTO foo (data) values (?)', ('hello',))
    db.execute('INSERT INTO foo (data) values (?)', ('world',))

    db.execute("savepoint pt;")
    db.execute('INSERT INTO foo (data) values (?)', ('bah',))
    db.execute('INSERT INTO foo (data) values (?)', ('goodbye world',))
    db.execute("rollback to savepoint pt;")

    db.execute('INSERT INTO foo (data) values (?)', ('peace',))

    assert list(db.execute('select * from foo')) == [(1, 'hello'),
                                                     (2, 'world'),
                                                     (3, 'peace')]

The line that makes it work is db.isolation_level = None. If you comment it out, it breaks just like your error. I've tried using all the documented values “DEFERRED”, “IMMEDIATE” and “EXCLUSIVE”, all ended in error.

Thanks , After removing exception handling I got this sqlite3.OperationalError: no such savepoint: ptHow to print Error ,while using exception handler ? something like perror() for python is available??
Yes, there is - but why? The error is already printed automatically, catching it just to print is duplicating code
okay.Have you seen above error message what's the problem here? save points works fine and roll back produces error message.
@lakshmipathi: yes, I have edited my answer with info about what I found out
Thanks for your help. I'll use your hints/points.