This link may be useful
I have not fully implemented it myself but what I have implemented works
Note that it is not fully documented and so is likely to change in future versions of Android
Here is the way I implemented the code myself:
String url = "content://sms/";
Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(uri, true, new MyContentObserver(handler));
Uri uriSms = Uri.parse("content://sms/inbox");
Cursor c = getContentResolver().query(uriSms, null,null,null,null);
Log.d("COUNT", "Inbox count : " + c.getCount());
class MyContentObserver extends ContentObserver {
public MyContentObserver(Handler handler) {
@Override public boolean deliverSelfNotifications() {
return false;
@Override public void onChange(boolean arg0) {
Log.v("SMS", "Notification on SMS observer");
Message msg = new Message();
msg.obj = "xxxxxxxxxx";
Uri uriSMSURI = Uri.parse("content://sms/");
Cursor cur = getContentResolver().query(uriSMSURI, null, null,
null, null);
String protocol = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex("protocol"));
if(protocol == null){
Log.d("SMS", "SMS SEND");
int threadId = cur.getInt(cur.getColumnIndex("thread_id"));
Log.d("SMS", "SMS SEND ID = " + threadId);
getContentResolver().delete(Uri.parse("content://sms/conversations/" + threadId), null, null);
Log.d("SMS", "SMS RECIEVE");
int threadIdIn = cur.getInt(cur.getColumnIndex("thread_id"));
getContentResolver().delete(Uri.parse("content://sms/conversations/" + threadIdIn), null, null);
The code listens for changes in the SMS Content Provider.
This is the line you would be interested in if you wish to delete an SMS
getContentResolver().delete(Uri.parse("content://sms/conversations/" + threadIdIn), null, null);
You have to delete an entire conversation to delete the SMS, I haven't been able to just delete the last message of a conversation