



This might be a bit silly, but where can I find a reference (not code) that tells me, what classes (in the .NET-Framework) implement an interface? Is this even available?

I am thinking of the list one gets in the Java-API-documentation unter "All Known Implementing Classes" (like here for example:

Currently I am wondering what classes implement "IDictionary" if this matters. But I had this problem a few times now...

By the way, I found threads explaining how to do this in code, like this one:

Kind regards


There is a Microsoft Download dvd.iso for the MSDN Library which is available. And it can integrate nicely with the Express Editions of Visual Studio. You will have all the information and documentation for what you are looking for.

Hope this helps, Best regards, Tom.

No, it doesn't show which classes implement an interface... It shows only class inheritance
Thomas Levesque
@Thomas: I understood, that from prior experience it documents the .NET classes...but then again apologies if I mis-interpreted the question, ' find a reference (not code) that tells me what classes (in the .NET-Framework) implement an interface? Is this even available?' Unless Microsoft did most certainly not incorporate that information into it...sorry :(
+5  A: 

There's no consistent official documentation that will tell you this.

Whenever I need to find out which types derive from a given interface, I use Reflector. Granted, it will only report those derived types that exist in the assembly list you currently have loaded in the tool, but it's a good start and you can always load more assemblies to get a more expansive answer.

Mark Seemann
+6  A: 

Who needs MSDN when we have Reflector:


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