I would like to use the ispell-buffer command in Emacs. It uses the english language by default. Is there an easy way to switch to another dictionary (eg another language)?
From the file ispell.el you may specify some options for the ispell
commands. This happens by adding a section to the end of your file like this:
;; Local Variables:
;; ispell-check-comments: exclusive
;; ispell-local-dictionary: "american"
;; End:
Note the double semicolon marks the start of comments in the current mode. It should probably be changed to reflect the way your file (programming language) introduces comments, like //
for Java.
2008-10-20 14:10:27
M-x ispell-change-dictionnary
proposes a list of installed dictionnaries to use
2008-10-20 14:25:50