For example, if I have a network spec like, "24" is the bitcount. What's the best way to convert that to a netmask like 0xffffff00 ?
This is not a programming question, but in linux you can use whatmask.
IP Entered = ..................:
CIDR = ........................: /24
Netmask = .....................:
Netmask (hex) = ...............: 0xffffff00
Wildcard Bits = ...............:
Network Address = .............:
Broadcast Address = ...........:
Usable IP Addresses = .........: 254
First Usable IP Address = .....:
Last Usable IP Address = ......:
You could try something simple, like taking the bitcount and dividing by 4. That'd give you the leading F's in the mask. And then take the remainder and have a switch from 0 bits to 3 bits.
Assuming 32-bit mask and 32-bit int.
int keepBits = 24; /* actually get it from somewhere else? */
int mask = (0xffffffff >> (32 - keepBits )) << (32 - keepBits);
Note: this isn't necessarily the answer to the question "What's the best way to get the network mask for an interface?"
int keepbits = 24;
int mask = keepbits > 0 ? 0x00 - (1<<(32 - keepbits)) : 0xFFFFFFFF;
I always do it like that (in your case cidr = 24):
uint32_t ipv4Netmask;
ipv4Netmask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ipv4Netmask <<= 32 - cidr;
ipv4Netmask = ntohl(ipv4Netmask);
This will only work with ipv4Netmask to be actually uint32_t, don't make it int, as int doesn't have to be 32 Bit on every system. The result is converted to network byte order, as that's what most system functions expect.
Here's a solution in VBScript, FWIW
option explicit
If WScript.Arguments.Unnamed.Count < 1 Then
WScript.Echo "WhatMask"
End If
Dim sToFind
Dim aParts
Dim nSubnet
sToFind = WScript.Arguments(0)
aParts = Split( sToFind, "/", 2 )
nSubnet = aParts(1)
if nSubnet < 1 or nSubnet > 32 then
WScript.echo "Subnet out of range [1..32]"
end if
Dim sBinary
sBinary = String( nSubnet, "1")
sBinary = sBinary & String( 32 - nSubnet, "0" )
wscript.echo "0x" & lcase( binary2hexadecimal( sBinary ) )
function binary2hexadecimal( sBin )
dim sSlice
dim sResult
dim i
for i = 1 to len( sBin ) step 4
sSlice = mid( sBin, i, 4 )
sResult = sResult & hex( binary2decimal( sSlice ) )
binary2hexadecimal = sResult
end function
function binary2decimal( sFourbits )
dim i
dim bit
dim nResult
nResult = 0
for i = 4 to 1 step -1
bit = mid(sFourbits, i, 1 )
nResult = nResult * 2 + bit
binary2decimal = nResult
end function
From the command line
Why waste time with subtraction or ternary statements?
int suffix = 24;
int mask = 0xffffffff ^ 0xffffffff >> suffix;
If you know your integer is exactly 32 bits long then you only need to type 0xffffffff once.
int32_t mask = ~(0xffffffff >> suffix);
Both compile to the exact same assembly code.
/* C# version merging some of the other contributions and corrected for byte order. */
int cidr = 24;
var ipv4Netmask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ipv4Netmask <<= 32 - cidr;
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(ipv4Netmask);
ipv4Netmask = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0);
// mask is now ready for use such as:
var netmask = new IPAddress(mask);