
It turns out this was an issue with IE failing when two different elements have the same ID. Apparently this breaks the .each function.

I had two tables table.notes#a1 & table.inputs#a1

The .each function should have gone through each table but instead found neither.

jQuery also wouldn't run in ie with

jQuery('div.a1, div.a3, div.a4, div.a7','table.inputs#a'+tableId+' td:nth-child('+columnNum+')').each(function(){

which it should have done, as I am them pointing directly to a specific table even if the id is not unique.

I'm using id's retrieved from the database for the id, and IE doesn't like id's that start with numbers, so I just added an 'a' to the beginning of the id. However, it apparently doesn't like that either, so now I'm adding the first letter of the class and then the '1' or whatever the id number is.

This solves the issue.
