First, a disclaimer. I know a little about regex's but I'm no expert. They seem to be something that I really need twice a year so they just don't stay "on top" of my brain.
The situation: I'd like to write a regex to match a certain word, let's call it "Ostrich". Easy. Except Ostrich can sometimes appear inside of a curly brace. If it's inside of a curly brace it's not a match. The trick here is that there can be spaces inside the curly braces. Also the text is typically inside of a paragraph.
This should match:
I have an Ostrich.
This should not match:
My Emu went to the {Ostrich Race Name}.
This should be a match:
My Ostrich went to the {Ostrich Race Name}.
This should not be a match:
My Emu went to the {Race Ostrich Place}. My Emu went to the {Race Place Ostrich}.
It seems like this is possible with a regex, but I sure don't see it.