




In Perl, one can do the following

for (@foo) {
    # do something 
    next if $seen{$_}++;

I would like to be able to do the equivalent in Python, that is to skip a block if it has been executed once.

+11  A: 
seen = set()
for x in foo:
    if x in seen:
    # do something

See the set documentation for more information.

Also, the examples at the bottom of the itertools module documentation contains a unique_everseen generator that you can use like this:

for x in unique_everseen(foo):
    # do something
Greg Hewgill
Thanks. Looks like unique_everseen might fit the bill although it seems to be listed as an optional recipe instead of being part of the module.
jnman, don't let anyone force Python on you. I mean, from the way you choose to write your comments, it's obvious that you find Python at best a necessary evil (perhaps it's a job requirement) and its library severely lacking (contrary to, say, the magnificent CPAN).
I am much more comfortable using perl than python. However, due to some stuff that I am currently working on, I have to use python instead hence the questions. It just seems that this particular perl(ism) is sufficiently useful (to me) that I am somewhat surprised that there is no equivalent "terse" version in python (to use your words).
@jnman - Python and terse usually don't go together. If you want terse, stick with Perl. I bet money CPAN has a package to do whatever "stuff you're currently working on" that you're using Python for. (I like (and dislike) both languages, but I am a bit biased towards Perl since it's my native tongue, so to speak.)
Chris Lutz
+2  A: 
for item in foo:
   if seen.has_key(item):
      continue # continue is optional, just to illustrate the "next" in Perl
Alternatively `from collections import defaultdict; seen = defaultdict(int); for item in foo: seen[item] += 1; if seen[item] > 1: continue; #rest of code` (with proper indentation, of course.)
Chris Lutz
yes, +1 for that. But I guess i am still old school, so this works for version <2.4+
+1  A: 

If you don't care about the order of the things in foo, and only that the unique items are iterated over, then the solution is much simpler.

for x in set(foo):
    do something
Paul Hankin