I have a User Model(:name, :password, :email), and Event model(:name, :etc) and Interest model (:name)
Then I created two join tables -> UsersInterests and EventsInterests; each not containing a primary key and only comprised of the user_id/interest_id and event_id/interest_id respectively.
I'm trying to use ActiveRecord to query a list all the events where the interest.id of EventsInterests= interest.id of UsersInterests
I'm using has_many and belongs_to relationships with the Nested Loop Plugin
My models look like so =>
has_many :users_interests
has_many :interests, :through => :users_interests
has_many :events_interests
has_many :interests, :through => :events_interests
belongs_to :users , :through => :users_interests
belongs_to :events , :through => :events_interests
belongs_to :users
belongs_to :interests
belongs_to :interests
belongs_to :events
If the @user= User.find(1), How would I query the events a user would be interested in?
I came up with this => @events.find(:all, :conditions => EventsInterests.interest_id = UsersInterests.interest_id) ??
but I get the error
undefined method `interest_id' for UsersInterests(user_id: integer, interest_id: integer):Class
umm..wtf? any help guys....I've been at this for like 4 days