I am looking to compile an application in Java, made up of a various number of java classes in a certain number of packages. At the command line, I can change to the folder containing the root package and type:
javac rootpackage/subpackage/*.java
javac rootpackage/*/*.java
to compile all the java classes in all the primary subpackages of my rootpackage.
However I would like to be able to do this within a Java application. (The idea is that we provide an application to students which contains unit tests. The unit tests need to be run against their code, the application then creates a JAR file containing their source files which have been 'watermarked' with the test results. All this works ok, but we would like to make sure that the class files tested are created from the source files submitted, hence the idea to compile programmatically the java sources).
The problem comes in that each student stores their root package in an arbitrary position, and I cannot seem to pass the location of the file to JavaCompiler (javax.tools).
Is it possible, and if so, can someone give some hints on how to have an arbitrary placed root package compiled properly.
More Info:
a student has a folder structure:
which contains the root package. They launch the application (possibly stored in this folder - and thus no problems- however more than likely stored elsewhere) which asks them for the folder that contains the root package. After entering, the students click a create JAR button, that compiles the files in their packages, runs the tests on the newly compiled files and then creates the JAR.
Whilst thinking through this problem, it is possible that the solution is to tell the students to install our 'create JAR' application in the folder containing their root package.