How can namedtuples be extended or subclassed with many additional @properties ?
For a few, one can just write the text below; but there are many,
so I'm looking for a generator or property factory.
One way would be to generate text from _fields
and exec it;
another would be an add_fields with the same effect at runtime.
(My @props are to get rows and fields
in a database scattered across several tables,
so that rec.pname
is persontable[rec.personid].pname
but namedtuples-with-smart-fields would have other uses too.)
""" extend namedtuple with many @properties ? """
from collections import namedtuple
Person = namedtuple( "Person", "pname paddr" ) # ...
persontable = [
Person( "Smith", "NY" ),
Person( "Jones", "IL" )
class Top( namedtuple( "Top_", "topid amount personid" )):
""" @property
.person -> persontable[personid]
.pname -> person.pname ...
__slots__ = ()
def person(self):
return persontable[self.personid]
# def add_fields( self, Top.person, Person._fields ) with the same effect as these ?
def pname(self):
return self.person.pname
def paddr(self):
return self.person.paddr
# ... many more
rec = Top( 0, 42, 1 )
print rec.person, rec.pname, rec.paddr