Hi there, Pulling my hair out trying to figure out where class_inheritable_reader is documented in Rails.
A Google search revealed its existence, and looking in the gem itself ya find the method:
def class_inheritable_reader(*syms)
syms.each do |sym|
next if sym.is_a?(Hash)
class_eval <<-EOS
def self.#{sym} # def self.before_add_for_comments
read_inheritable_attribute(:#{sym}) # read_inheritable_attribute(:before_add_for_comments)
end # end
def #{sym} # def before_add_for_comments
self.class.#{sym} # self.class.before_add_for_comments
end # end
But looking at the rdocs for both ActiveSupport AND from 'rake doc:rails' you'll find no documentation...how come?