Hi, have been looking the page and lots of great people helping outhere so i have a Lab Assignment and i know i have to do a method concerning the fibonacci numbers to caclulate the number in the position n, but im not quite sure what do put inside the method i know is what i have to think about hope you can give and idea. Having trouble.(not asking to do the hw for me ok) Thank you.
- Fibonacci numbers and complexity
Fibonacci numbers are defined recursively as follows:
F(n) = n, for n<=1
F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) for n>1
Write the following methods to compute F(n):
a) A O(2n^n) method based on the recursive definition
b) A O(n) method that uses a loop
c) A O(1) method that uses the closed form solution – feel free to look for this formula on line.
Test all three methods using n = 10; 20; 50; 100; 1,000; 10,000; 100,000 and 1,000,000. If a particular algorithm and input combination does not return an answer in a reasonable amount of time, note that in your report (that is, don’t wait for hours (or worse) for your program to finish).