In AutoIt v3 there's a function called: HotKeySet. It sets a hotkey that calls a user function when pressed. It's system wide hotkey meaning that the key when hotkey is set can't be used for anything else.
Basically I would like to catch ESC or any other key like $ ` etc and when user presses it anywhere even outside of the app it should let me know.
For example i would do like HotKeySet({ESC}) inside loop and when it's done program would wait for that key to be pressed before.
public static void work() {
while (true) {
string task = null;
lock (locker)
if (tasks.Count > 0) {
task = tasks.Dequeue();
if (task == null) {
if (task != null) {
//MessageBox.Show("Performing task: " + task);
// Set Hotkey Here
//Wait for hotkey to press when it's pressed... Execute some stuff
Thread.Sleep(5000); // simulate work...
} else {
wh.WaitOne(); // No more tasks - wait for a signal