Low-level Keyhook
I would like to run a low-level keyhook on a seperate thread in C# to detect for certain hotkeys. How would I do this? ...
I would like to run a low-level keyhook on a seperate thread in C# to detect for certain hotkeys. How would I do this? ...
In AutoIt v3 there's a function called: HotKeySet. It sets a hotkey that calls a user function when pressed. It's system wide hotkey meaning that the key when hotkey is set can't be used for anything else. Basically I would like to catch ESC or any other key like $ ` etc and when user presses it anywhere even outside of the app it shou...
I copied the following code from http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/CSLLKeyboardHook.aspx, public int hookProc(int code, int wParam, ref keyboardHookStruct lParam) { if (code >= 0) { Keys key = (Keys)lParam.vkCode; if (HookedKeys.Contains(key)) { KeyEventArgs kea = new KeyEventArgs(key); if(...
I want to capture when someone uses Ctrl + C even when off focus. im using Visual Basic 2010. ...