This is a 2 part question, I apologize. I know other developers must
have workarounds for the 16,000 frame limit.
How do I daisy chain movies together in Flash AS3?
A. What is the best way to daisy chain movies together in Flash AS3.
B. Can I treat it as an extended timeline beyond 16,000 frames
Not by conventional thinking
"Flashes 16,000 frame limit"
"There's no way to define frame space of unloaded frames"
It'd be cool
"It would be cool to kind of join all the clips together in a progressive load"
"It would be cool to control the cue points of an extended clip"
"It would be so cool to control the speed-beginning-end"*
I have to make a counter that goes up to a million and uses animations.
Long story short, "I'm running out of frames and have a bunch of smaller
movieClips to piece together."
Verbose Example
Load N play==>Complete Movie==>Add N remove Childrens==>Load next movie!!!
Frame Based Issues "fl.flash.display.stage"
- have to use graphics, not dynamic text
- want to control frame rate or speed of animations
Time Based Issues "fl.flash.utils.Timer"
- options were not scalable by frame rate
- other issues caused me to discard time based methods
- inherent problem of trying to code with tweening engines "Greensocks Tweenmax"
*I keep asking, I apologize:)
#1000.00 “frame or time based”
x 10 value
x 100 value
x 10,000 value
x 1,000,000 value
x 10,000,000 value
tweens all have to be the same value, so the
numbers transition together
“all 20 frames etc”
whole numbers all move at different rates
“numbers roll-in together”
whole numbers all have the same number of frames for tweens
“x 100 jump”
decimal numbers scroll really fast because they
are a lesser value than the whole numbers